G'day G'day, my name is Joel but everyone calls me Poles. I am the creator of the Tasmanian clothing brand known as King Lonr.  I wanted to create something that has meaning and I'm hoping other people can relate too. All my life I've felt alone until I realized that there is something kingly about the solitude and its peacfulness. It's a time to gather your thoughts and feelings and to put the outside world on pause. Society makes loners appear as outsiders, but I want everyone to know that YOU ARE a legend and being a loner is totally okay. LETS SHOW THE WORLD HOW POWERFUL A KING LONR CAN BE.


This is apart of a print on demand business, every product on this website will be printed and shipped from Queensland, Australia. The goal is being able to print on products in my own house at Tasmania to sell to customers in person and ship out to buyers myself.


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